I am trying to show the percent of a category on a bar graph, when I use the option 'percentage' it shows the percent of the group, where I want the "row" percent of that subgroup (when I leave percentage out, it gives the proportion - which is what I want on the graph but in %)

This code:
graph bar HIV2, over(Income, relabel(1 "Low & low-middle" 2 "Upper-middle" 3 "High") ///
 label(angle(forty_five))) over(group, relabel(1 "2000-2003" 2 "2004-2006" 3 "2007-2009" 4 "2010-2012" 5 "2013-2015")) ///
  scheme(s2color) ytitle(Proportion) ///
 blabel(bar, format(%4.1f) size(vsmall)) ///
graphregion(fcolor(white)) ///
 asyvars bar(1, fcolor(ebg)) bar(2, fcolor(ebblue)) bar(3, fcolor(edkblue))

How can I get those proportions as percents without using something like catplot?