Hi, I am having problem in generating a new variable. So, I want to generate a variable from a date variable which has duplicate dates but their case id are different and I need all numbers.
I tried with the commands mentioned below:
1) gen cv_date_twelve=.
replace cv_date_twelve=1 if cv_date3 !=. | cv_date6 !=. | cv_date9 !=. | cv_date12 !=.
replace cv_date_twelve=0 if cv_date_twelve==.
tab cv_date_twelve
2)gen cv_date_twelve=.
replace cv_date_twelve=cv_date3 if cv_date3 !=.
replace cv_date_twelve=cv_date6 if cv_date6 !=.
replace cv_date_twelve=cv_date9 if cv_date9 !=.
replace cv_date_twelve=cv_date12 if cv_date12 !=.
replace cv_date_twelve=0 if cv_date_twelve==.
tab cv_date_twelve
Kindly help.
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