Dear all,
I am currently working on a study looking at the link between weather shocks (precipitation and temperature) on internal migration (municipal level and across province movements) in South Africa. my outcome variables (migrants inflow and migrants outflow) are binary so I am using a logistic regression analysis. When I run a (three-level) multilevel model logistic model (this is because I have a clustered data (individual migrants and their control variables; weather data in addition to other socio-economic variables at the municipal levels and GDP at the Province level), my result never shows. I even left the STATA running overnight. Please see below my command:

melogit Mig_Outflow || Usual_Province: GDPGrowthRate || MN_CODE_2016: PrecOrig_sq OrigPrec AverageCrimeRate PovertyRate UnemploymentRate || id: EducLevel Race MarrDummy Male1

I would be very grateful if someone will be so kind to explain why this happens, and suggest some plausible solution to that?

Thank you.