I am working with the World Value Survey that have several questions for different countries.
What I need to do is to performe a principal components analysis, combining all respondents for one country, let's say Australia, then only another country like Austria. So, for each country I need to perform the pca, but only for three questions, questions V86, V87 y V88; but I need to include only observations with at least one answer "1" in any of the three questions (in a scale from -2 to 4). Then counting the number of activities that respondents had actually done from among the three questions. One person could answer 1 on one, two or the three questions.
The code that I was testing is:
pca V86 V87 V88 if country==36 | V86==1 | V87==1 | V88==1, components(1)
I really appreciate any help with the code.
Best regards,
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