I am trying to do a diff in diff approach where my regression code looks like this
mi estimate, esampvaryok: reg job_hours treatment time i.time#i.treatment, robust
gen treatment=0 if (expectation==2 & f.gift_received==2 & gift_total < 50000000) | (l.expectation==2 & gift_received==2 & gift_total < 50000000) replace treatment=1 if (expectation==2 & f.gift_received==1 & gift_total < 50000000) | (l.expectation==2 & gift_received==1 & gift_total < 50000000)
My output looks as follows
Multiple-imputation estimates Imputations = 5 Linear regression Number of obs = 55 Average RVI = 0.1495 Largest FMI = 0.3396 Complete DF = 51 DF adjustment: Small sample DF: min = 19.29 avg = 37.33 max = 47.65 Model F test: Equal FMI F( 3, 38.8) = 1.62 Within VCE type: Robust Prob > F = 0.1996 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- job_hours | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] ---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- treatment | -7.653846 7.472867 -1.02 0.318 -23.27896 7.971272 time | -5.29398 3.226253 -1.64 0.108 -11.78518 1.197221 | time#treatment | 0 1 | 3.972687 12.99843 0.31 0.762 -22.3997 30.34508 1 0 | 0 (omitted) 1 1 | 0 (omitted) | _cons | 42.74783 2.208462 19.36 0.000 38.30658 47.18907 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
job_hours = b0 + b1 * (treated = 1) + b2 * (Time=1) + b3 * interaction+ e_it, where in the interaction both treated and time are = 1
I am unsure how to continue, how would I change the regression to make this happen? mi estimate doesn't seem to allow for "if"
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