Hi Statalist,
I am trying to visually present my regression results. I would like to plot main effects as bar charts with error bars 95% confidence interval. This is the code I’ve run, it combines the results of three models in one graph:

xtreg M1  dbirthstat2 dsondum21 spercent2 totalchild i.educ i.releduc i.qwealth i.employment durban1 dlivingstructure1 age firstbirthage agegap agemarriage gdp1 i.round, re theta
est store Financial
xtreg D1  dbirthstat2 dsondum21 spercent2 totalchild i.educ i.releduc i.qwealth i.employment durban1 dlivingstructure1 age firstbirthage agegap agemarriage gdp1 i.round, re theta
est store Daily
xtreg C1  dbirthstat2 dsondum21 spercent2 totalchild i.educ i.releduc i.qwealth i.employment durban1 dlivingstructure1 age firstbirthage agegap agemarriage gdp1 i.round, re theta
est store Children
coefplot Financial Daily Children, vertical recast(bar) barwidth(0.25) fcolor(*.5) ciopts(recast(rcap)) citop  ytitle(Linear prediction) keep (dbirthstat2 dsondum21)
This code works fine (included as attachment). However, when I run the code below to plot the coefficents for educ and releduc I get the following error message
coefplot Financial Daily Children, vertical recast(bar) barwidth(0.25) fcolor(*.5) ciopts(recast(rcap)) citop  ytitle(Linear prediction) keep (educ releduc)
(Financial: no coefficients found, all dropped, or none kept)
(Daily: no coefficients found, all dropped, or none kept)
(Children: no coefficients found, all dropped, or none kept)
(nothing to plot)
I have not dropped my model estimates so I am not sure why there is nothing to plot