Below is the command I am using to calculate the AUC for my prediction models in imputed datasets.
I am searching for a STATA command similar to "roctab: depvar p, detail" for imputed datasets.

Any suggestions for STATA command to calculate the sensitivity and specificity (at different cut-offs) for imputed datasets?

cap program drop eroctab
program eroctab, eclass properties(mi)
version 12.0
args refvar
capture drop p
logistic `refvar' x1 x2 x3
predict p
roctab `refvar' p
tempname b V
mat `b' = r(area)
mat `V' = r(se)^2
local N = r(N)
mat colnames `b' = AUC
mat colnames `V' = AUC
mat rownames `V' = AUC
ereturn post `b' `V', obs(`N')
ereturn local cmd "eroctab"
ereturn local title "ROC area"

mi estimate, cmdok: eroctab refvar

Thank you!!!