I have many data sets in the format such as this one, however most are much longer.
origin is just the country name and year represents the year of an agreement.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str9 origin float year
"Australia" 1980
"England"   2000
"USA"       2020
This was the code used to generate the results in the format I need them in for analysis, which is fine for this example but for the much larger data sets is there anyway I can use a loop to replace the 0's in the dummies with 1 when the var is a country name and the year is greater or equal to the year of an agreement for that country.

clonevar destination = origin
order origin destination year
fillin year destination origin

gen origin_dummy = 0
gen destination_dummy = 0

replace origin_dummy = 1 if origin == "Australia" & year >= 1980
replace origin_dummy = 1 if origin == "England" & year >= 2000
replace origin_dummy = 1 if origin == "USA" & year >= 2020

replace destination_dummy = 1 if destination == "Australia" & year >= 1980
replace destination_dummy = 1 if destination == "England" & year >= 2000
replace destination_dummy = 1 if destination == "USA" & year >= 2020

drop _fillin

This is the result i'm after for reference

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str9(origin destination) float(year origin_dummy destination_dummy)
"Australia" "Australia" 1980 1 1
"England"   "Australia" 1980 0 1
"USA"       "Australia" 1980 0 1
"Australia" "England"   1980 1 0
"England"   "England"   1980 0 0
"USA"       "England"   1980 0 0
"Australia" "USA"       1980 1 0
"England"   "USA"       1980 0 0
"USA"       "USA"       1980 0 0
"Australia" "Australia" 2000 1 1
"England"   "Australia" 2000 1 1
"USA"       "Australia" 2000 0 1
"Australia" "England"   2000 1 1
"England"   "England"   2000 1 1
"USA"       "England"   2000 0 1
"Australia" "USA"       2000 1 0
"England"   "USA"       2000 1 0
"USA"       "USA"       2000 0 0
"Australia" "Australia" 2020 1 1
"England"   "Australia" 2020 1 1
"USA"       "Australia" 2020 1 1
"Australia" "England"   2020 1 1
"England"   "England"   2020 1 1
"USA"       "England"   2020 1 1
"Australia" "USA"       2020 1 1
"England"   "USA"       2020 1 1
"USA"       "USA"       2020 1 1