* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input str25 VarYr str21 Variable int Year double(Brazil Mexico Argentina Colombia) "tpg_raw2000" "tpg_raw" 2000 . . . . "tpg_raw2001" "tpg_raw" 2001 . . . . "tpg_raw2002" "tpg_raw" 2002 .1688188096329437 .8471864250924597 1.9028879856327532 .9400821477470853 "tpg_raw2003" "tpg_raw" 2003 2.6876784630377966 1.9572037462341834 2.089862833247789 1.7395425824103758 "tpg_raw2004" "tpg_raw" 2004 3.7365291505408624 2.8734506758813114 4.230775588827373 2.876029982749417 "tpg_raw2005" "tpg_raw" 2005 3.427858695742494 2.5917163450987206 3.4816949837524627 2.581345605860922 "tpg_raw2006" "tpg_raw" 2006 3.991295537617662 2.0466209154128467 4.2391975940339375 2.649823175219276 "tpg_raw2007" "tpg_raw" 2007 3.9265256327559666 1.2399509540883127 4.556732003418067 2.1649785035175793 "tpg_raw2008" "tpg_raw" 2008 1.3727148581798014 -.7587980218217936 2.5906248880395437 .0863231244813597 "tpg_raw2009" "tpg_raw" 2009 -2.6202836028479206 -3.2777822371796668 -1.354587803105674 -3.121840902315977 "tpg_raw2010" "tpg_raw" 2010 4.679772389208082 2.043548656815421 4.770145496790979 2.904004372544145 "tpg_raw2011" "tpg_raw" 2011 3.8321703917113368 1.2349558340551938 3.4995131473557235 2.0685187390453397 "tpg_raw2012" "tpg_raw" 2012 2.0213913473342116 1.5028156990263946 1.9426106928632687 1.7605808472067643 "tpg_raw2013" "tpg_raw" 2013 2.561189479017069 1.3110027383651275 2.3144160755174776 1.8399830346783461 "tpg_raw2014" "tpg_raw" 2014 2.396083059535607 1.7673032940306277 1.7735184565214905 2.28358080092874 "tpg_raw2015" "tpg_raw" 2015 2.9616145555662303 2.045363109671904 .8908253149470166 2.4383573664033023 "tpg_raw2016" "tpg_raw" 2016 2.333605845791307 .9192578590883833 1.1909026509431786 1.5493280335829196 "tpg_raw2017" "tpg_raw" 2017 2.9737942692482195 1.6861363675483176 2.3765556480044747 2.078557339141184 "tpg_raw2018" "tpg_raw" 2018 2.638710472149256 2.1797079830966477 2.4226545382308857 2.1672455207639727 "nomgdp1999" "nomgdp" 1999 1088.119 5738.4664 307.672643572833 180552.219496349 "nomgdp2000" "nomgdp" 2000 1199.058 6693.683025 308.49102861655 206560.059710839 "nomgdp2001" "nomgdp" 2001 1315.709 7069.377275 291.737726836909 223716.358938252 "nomgdp2002" "nomgdp" 2002 1487.505 7455.459175 337.904622285219 243004.318439187 "nomgdp2003" "nomgdp" 2003 1716.253 7868.809525 407.425048792192 269770.918769623 "nomgdp2004" "nomgdp" 2004 1955.243 8828.36745 485.115225 304853.173373393 "nomgdp2005" "nomgdp" 2005 2168.241 9562.648125 582.538175 336941 "nomgdp2006" "nomgdp" 2006 2406.715 10630.9394 715.904275 380592 "nomgdp2007" "nomgdp" 2007 2718.303 11504.07555 896.9802 427519 "nomgdp2008" "nomgdp" 2008 3107.992 12353.8453 1149.6461 475618 "nomgdp2009" "nomgdp" 2009 3329.986 12162.76285 1247.92925 501782 end
I want to convert the above dataset to a panel structure as i and year as t. I used -help reshape- and browsed through the forum but I seem to be missing something. Please help, thanks.
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