I ran a Battese and Coelli 1995 sfpanel model in Stata 12.1 of the following translog equation

sfpanel lny lnl lnm lne lnk lnksq lnlsq lnesq lnklnl lnmsq lnklne lnklnm lnllne lnllnm lnelnm year, model(bc95) dist(tn) emean( for for5 for10 for15 for20 for25 exp_firm firm_size) ort(o)

Aimed at establishing the effect of FDI on efficiency and productivity at firm level.

I wish to estimate TFP whose components are Technical Change(TC), Technical Efficiency Change (TEC) and Scale Efficiency Change (SEC).
  1. Can this be done directly in Stata?
  2. And what is the syntax considering the 4-input translog equation?