Hi Everyone,

I am running following code:

xtset id month

eststo:xtreg rateofreturn_excess mkt_rf smb hml mom liq size age dum, fe vce(cluster id)

eststo:xtreg rateofreturn_excess mkt_rf smb hml mom dum portf_ret dum*portf_ret liq size age, fe vce(cluster id)

esttab using "TablesTable1.tex", booktabs label replace constant nodepvars not noobs star(* .1 ** .05 *** .01) nonotes b(2)

My problem is that I want to show 2 decimal points of coefficients except for "constant" and "dum". I want to show them in percentages. When I write b(2), it shows 2 decimal points but I can not specify specific coefficient formats.

I would appreciate any suggestion on this. Thanks in advance.
