Dear Statalists,

I am trying to estimate for several models (using -probit- or -regress-) and hope to be able to test whether marginal effects of those models are jointly significant.

For this target, with my limited knowledge, I have hoped -suest- could be a solution. Specifically, I have started by running -margins- (after regression), saving marginal effects of each model with -estimates store-, then try to "combine" them with -suest-. However, the error "...estimated with a nonstandard vce (delta)" is always shown up as illustrated in the below example.
sysuse auto, clear

probit foreign weight mpg
margin, dydx(*) coeflegend post
est store A

reg weight mpg
margin, dydx(*) coeflegend post
est store B

suest A B
.A was estimated with a nonstandard vce (delta)
From a previous post, it seems to me that the workable solution might be found at the option expression() of -margins- command. But I can not find down the proper expression for my situation, i.e for -probit- or -regress- as in the above example. Please kindly advise me. Thank you very much for for kind attention.