Hello Stata community,
I have been struggling recently with finding the correct command in Stata that helps me to answer the following question: At which value of the independent variable (X) is the dependent variable (Y) equal to a certain value?
At the moment, I am running a model where I look at the influence of a certain firm strategy (X) on firm profitability (Y)
I found that in order to find the estimated profitability at a certain point of my X (e.g. the estimated firm profitability at the point where X = 0.02), I need to use the following code:
xtreg firm_profitability firm_strategy
margins, at(firm_strategy=(0.02))
However, I am struggling to find the correct Stata commands to calculate for example at which point of the firm_strategy X the estimated firm_profitability Y will reach a value of 10%?
Thanks & all the best,
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