As part of my job the results I get from Stata need to put into tables in a word document to show to my boss (He's not a statistician so doesn't want to see all of the output just a neat summary). Since the data is constantly growing the tables need to be reran and updated at least once a month (Sometimes more often). At first i was running the do file and then manually retyping the numbers into word, which as you can imagine is very tedious. Since then i have found ways to speed up this process, and currently my results overwrite the memory data, perfectly formatted as i would like in the table.
I would really like to be able to read the results directly into a table in word, as this would save me a lot of copy and paste!
Most of the commands I have seen looking around can read the results of a command into a word table (i.e putdocx and esttab) but i have yet to find a command that could read the memory data into a table.
Any advice for a way to do this would be greatly appreciated!
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