Hi all,

I was just wondering if anybody knew of a way to make the subtitles work as column/row headings in a twoway scatter, by graph?

I have a more complex set of graphs, but a simple example might illustrate what I'm thinking...

sysuse auto, clear

egen weightcat = cut(weight), at( 0 2000 2500 3000 ) label
egen trunkcat = cut(trunk), at( 0 7.5 10 12.5 ) label

twoway scatter price mpg, by(trunkcat weightcat)
The subtitles take up space, and moreso when the grid is much larger (which it is in my current project), they are also somewhat redundant as each row and column could have its own heading.

I know I can do this in a more complicated way using graph combine, but then you have axis labels on each small graph (and I've yet to find a simple solution here either!)

I really like how the "by" graphs keep the axis all nicely organised, and they only show on the edges.

Below is just a vague idea, crossing out in red the current subtitles and adding row and column subtitles in sort of grey (excuse my poor penmanship!)

I think this could be achieved by modifying the x- and y-axis labels but I'm not sure how to make them different depending on which part of the "by" graph they're in.

Anyway, just a thought!

