Hi List,

I used tabplot to draw nine subplots. My codes are as below:
tabplot Wp  [iw=iimpact], by(y measure, note("Figure 3 Contribution of X by Y",place(sw))) barw(0.5) yla(, labsize(small)) ///
 separate(totalmark) bar1(bfcolor(blue*0.2) blcolor(blue)) bar2(bfcolor(red*0.2) blcolor(red)) ///
 horiz xtitle("") name(G1, replace) scheme(s1mono) showval(show, mlabp(9) mlabsize(small) format(%~4s)) ///
 ytitle("Y's category" , size(*.7)) subtitle($lab, fcolor(none) size(*.7)) ///
 title("", size(*.7) color(gs0))
The plot can be seen at the end of the post. My question: how to change the position of the show value of the bottom (red) bar in the rightmost subplot in the second row? As you can see, its showval jumps out of its frame. I tried to use graph editor but it did not work: it only allows me to change the position of all showval at the same time.

My data are pasted below for your reference. Thank you so much in advance!

----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str12 y str5 Wp byte measure double iimpact float totalmark str6 show
"1999 vs 2000" "0"     1                4.38 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "0"     2                3.89 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "0"     3               23.16 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "1"     1  1.1400000000000001 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "1"     2 -3.2800000000000002 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "1"     3              -11.03 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "2"     1               -3.87 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "2"     2                 -.6 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "2"     3                1.86 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "3"     1               -5.47 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "3"     2                 .16 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "3"     3                4.78 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "4"     1                -.13 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "4"     2                 -.2 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "4"     3                 .06 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "5"     1               10.24 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "5"     2                6.32 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "5"     3 -2.7600000000000002 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2000" "Total" 1                6.29 2 "6.29"  
"1999 vs 2000" "Total" 2                6.29 2 "6.29"  
"1999 vs 2000" "Total" 3               16.07 2 "16.07" 
"1999 vs 2002" "0"     1                -7.5 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "0"     2 -1.9100000000000001 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "0"     3              -24.23 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "1"     1                -.26 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "1"     2                -.98 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "1"     3               -1.87 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "2"     1                3.21 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "2"     2                 .87 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "2"     3                -.43 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "3"     1               -1.27 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "3"     2                1.06 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "3"     3                2.36 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "4"     1               -2.14 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "4"     2                -.43 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "4"     3                1.07 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "5"     1                4.67 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "5"     2  3.5500000000000003 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "5"     3                -.58 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2002" "Total" 1 -3.2800000000000002 2 "-3.28" 
"1999 vs 2002" "Total" 2                2.15 2 "2.15"  
"1999 vs 2002" "Total" 3              -23.68 2 "-23.68"
"1999 vs 2013" "0"     1               -5.65 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "0"     2                 .33 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "0"     3               -5.76 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "1"     1                 .54 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "1"     2                 .13 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "1"     3                 .55 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "2"     1                1.69 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "2"     2                -.14 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "2"     3               -1.53 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "3"     1                 .93 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "3"     2                 .27 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "3"     3                 .06 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "4"     1               -1.01 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "4"     2                -.54 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "4"     3                -.02 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "5"     1                9.32 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "5"     2                7.33 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "5"     3               -1.73 1 " "     
"1999 vs 2013" "Total" 1                5.83 2 "5.83"  
"1999 vs 2013" "Total" 2   7.390000000000001 2 "7.39"  
"1999 vs 2013" "Total" 3               -8.44 2 "-8.44" 
label values measure measures
label def measures 1 "AA", modify
label def measures 2 "BB", modify
label def measures 3 "CC", modify