I am attempting to analyze data from a discrete choice experiment using the "mixlogit" package and I am getting the following error, " __00000P not found". I was able to estimate a conditional logit model using the same data/code and have estimated a mixed logit model in the past using very similar code. I have searched the forums and can not find an example of this.

The data is made up of about 1100 respondents who were each presented with 8 choice sets. Each choice set contained 2 options, with varying prices and one other variable (anti) as well as an opt out option (asc). anti2 and anti3 are coded as dummy variables.

mixlogit y asc price if MRK_CELL1==1 & MRK_Level_LFQ1==1, rand (anti 2 anti3) group(gid) id(pid) nrep(500)

I used set trace to identify where the error was coming from.

----------------------------------------------------- begin ml_count_eval ---
- version 10
- args f type
- if `:length global ML_dots' {
= if 1 {
- $ML_dots "`f'" "`type'" = * "__00000N" "input"
- }
------------------------------------------------------- end ml_count_eval ---
- scalar `h' = 1/(2*`h')
= scalar __00000O = 1/(2*__00000O)
- mat `dd2' = `dd2' - `dd1'
= mat __00000P = __00000P - __00000M
__00000P not found
mat `dd2' = `h' * `dd2'
mat `v' = nullmat(`v') \ `dd2'
local i = `i' + 1
----------------------------------------------------------------- end ml_e1 ---
------------------------------------------------------------------ end ml_opt --- }

Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Mitchell King
University of Guelph