Stata novice here so please be gentle, but I have a dataset from a household survey. Basic demographic information (age, gender, education, etc) for each household member was collected. Currently in Stata the data is arranged horizontally such that it looks something like this:

hhid hh_m1 . age1 gender1 hh_m2 age2 . gender2 and so forth....
1 . father 45 1 mother 43 0
2 . father . 29 1 mother 26 0
3 . mother 34 0 son 7 1
4 . father 56 1 daughter 23 0
5 mother 42 0 daughter 20 0

and I want it arranged vertically to like this:

hhid hh_m age gender
1 father 45 1
1 mother 43 0
2 father 29 1
2 mother 26 0
3 mother 34 0
3 son 7 1

I've been playing around with the reshape command but just cant figure it out for the life of me. Any help would be seriously appreciated.
