Hi guys, I am new on Stata and also a non native English speaker. I have been learning Stata on my own through watching various videos on youtube and reading different posts on different websites. Currently I am stuck on how to interpret chow test, I have read different posts including https://www.stata.com/support/faqs/s...how-statistic/ , https://www.stata.com/support/faqs/s...cs/chow-tests/ but i am failing to understand the interpretation of the results.

For an example, after calculating Chow test, another author found this.....The Chow test is F(k,N_1+N_2-2*k) = F(3,174), so our test statistic is F(3,174) = 5.0064466. According to his final results I failed to understand if the grouping of 2 groups is justified or not.

perhaps I am failing to understand because of my poor level of English.

Please can someone help me in simple English how to interpret Chow test or to tell if the data is justified to be separated into 2 groups.