Hi all,

I have a question on creating blocks for individual ids in STATA. Here is my sample data. There are 10 observations of ids and output, y.

input byte id float y
 1  .27450386
 2  .00633896
 3 .026175763
 4    .243485
 5  .27391464
 6  .17234083
 7  .05394611
 8   .3382942
 9   .2040645
10   .3772962
Now, assume that I make a triplet pair of ids as below.
The first column is the id in our sample data, where 2nd and 3rd columns are matched ids.

input byte(id match1 match2)
 1  4  8
 2  5  9
 3  6 10
 4  7  1
 5  8  2
 6  9  3
 7 10  4
 8  1  5
 9  2  6
10  3  7
So, for example, id 1 is matched to id 4 and id 8.
My desired final result is to make a block of paired observations.

input byte(id match) float y
 1  .  .27450386
 1  4    .243485
 1  8   .3382942
 2  .  .00633896
 2  5  .27391464
 2  9   .2040645
 3  . .026175763
 3  6  .17234083
 3 10   .3772962
 4  .    .243485
 4  7  .05394611
 4  1  .27450386
 5  .  .27391464
 5  8   .3382942
 5  2  .00633896
 6  .  .17234083
 6  9   .2040645
 6  3 .026175763
 7  .  .05394611
 7 10   .3772962
 7  4    .243485
 8  .   .3382942
 8  1  .27450386
 8  5  .27391464
 9  .   .2040645
 9  2  .00633896
 9  6  .17234083
10  .   .3772962
10  3 .026175763
10  7  .05394611

That is, I need data of blocks, and each block should have all 3 observations of each matched-pair.

I believe this can be done by combining expand and merge... but I wonder if there is a more simple and easy way.

Could anyone give me advice on how to deal with it in a short, straightforward code?