Dear Stata Users,
I am trying to interpret a comparison of coefficients. I have two different ways of operationalizing a variable, so basically two different modells and i am supposed to compare the coefficients to see if they they are similar. This is the command i am was told to use.
reg av uv if wave==1
est sto compare1
reg av uv if wave==0
est sto compare2
suest compare1 compare2
test [compare1]uv=[compare2]uv
This is my output (rollenbild is the variable). My professor told me that the output will only be the sigificance. Now I dont really know how to interpret the whole output and what this means for my model. Can someone help? I am also thankful if someone has literatur on that topic or knows where i can find the answer because i couldnt find it anywhere. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Robust
| Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
compare1_mean |
rollenbild | .2413509 .0298794 8.08 0.000 .1827883 .2999135
_cons | .7316354 .0248671 29.42 0.000 .6828967 .780374
compare1_lnvar |
_cons | .2346791 .0465184 5.04 0.000 .1435047 .3258535
compare2_mean |
rollenbild | -.0551894 .031637 -1.74 0.081 -.1171968 .006818
_cons | .9364011 .0253071 37.00 0.000 .8868 .9860022
compare2_lnvar |
_cons | .5572786 .034583 16.11 0.000 .4894971 .6250601
Thank You!
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