For the bar graphs that are created using the data below, I am having trouble renaming the macro variable names in the title and ytitle of the resulting graphs. I would like to replace "business" with "Business Activity" and "outlook" with "Company Outlook". I could just create two separate graphs and manually label them, but the actual data have a lot more variables and I would preferably like to use a loop if I can. Also, is there a better way to tlabel the quarters on the x-axis instead of manually labeling each date? I appreciate any suggestions.

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input float date double(business outlook)
674 -42.1 -24.5
677  13.8    19
680  26.7  19.6
683  40.1  57.1
686  41.8  45.6
689  37.3  20.3
692  27.3  28.2
695  38.1    52
698  40.7  43.2
701  44.5  45.3
704  43.3  46.4
707   2.3 -10.2
710  10.8  23.3
713   -.6  -4.5
716  -7.4     0
719  -4.2   1.9
722 -50.9   -75
725 -66.1   -51
728  -6.6   1.9
731  18.5  21.6
734  53.6  70.6
737    53  71.9
740  44.3  58.9
743  42.6  53.2
746    56  76.3
749  57.7  65.9
752    46  33.1
755  30.3  13.1
758   2.1 -14.1
format %tm date

foreach var of varlist business outlook {
    twoway (bar `var' date), ///
            tlabel(2016m3 "2016 Q1" 2016m6 "2016 Q2" 2016m9 "2016 Q3" 2016m12 "2016 Q4" 2017m3 "2017 Q1" 2017m6 "2017 Q2" 2017m9 "2017 Q3" 2017m12 "2017 Q4" 2018m3 "2018 Q1" 2018m6 "2018 Q2" 2018m9 "2018 Q3" 2018m12 "2018 Q4" ///
                2019m3 "2019 Q1" 2019m6 "2019 Q2" 2019m9 "2019 Q3" 2019m12 "2019 Q4" 2020m3 "2020 Q1" 2020m6 "2020 Q2" 2020m9 "2020 Q3" 2020m12 "2020 Q4" 2021m3 "2021 Q1" 2021m6 "2021 Q2" 2021m9 "2021 Q3" 2021m12 "2021 Q4" ///
                2022m3 "2022 Q1" 2022m6 "2022 Q2" 2022m9 "2022 Q3" 2022m12 "2022 Q4" 2023m3 "2023 Q1", labsize(medsmall) angle(45)) ///
            ylabel(-80(20)60, angle(0) labsize(medsmall)) ///
            ttitle("") ///
            title("Survey - `var' Index") ///
            ytitle("`var' Index (prior quarter)")

    graph save "Survey - `var' Index", replace