Sorry, I'm too stupid to figure this out myself.

I want to make a density curve, so I'll do this:

sysuse auto, clear

kdensity mpg, gen(x y) at(mpg) nograph

// Density curve
twoway (line y x, sort)
I then want to label a point on the density curve:

// Label density curve
qui sum mpg, detail
local median `r(p50)'

twoway (line y x, sort) ///
       (scatteri .015 `median' "`median' is the median")  ///
       , legend(off)
Here, .015 is of course just a stupid guess to illustrate my point, I want the label to be here instead (as illustrated in MS Paint):


Is there a way to do that not in MS Paint?

Bonus question: I want to add a vertical line to the plot:

twoway (line y x, sort) ///
       (scatteri .015 `median' "`median' is the median")  ///
       , legend(off) xline(`median', lcolor(gs6))
Is there a way I can make the vertical line start on the x-axis and end at the density curve?

Thanks so much