Hi, I obtained the following results usin margins on a probit model
Regression model to measure the impact on log_wages
Other Migrants      -0.359***

Refugees            -0.553*  

ETAM                0.0633***

ETAM X ETAM      -0.000450***

Elementary edu~n   -0.0426   

Middle school ~n     0.236**

Diploma 2-3 ye~s     0.453***

Diploma 4-5 ye~s     0.618***

Degree               0.849***

Female              -0.239***

Married=1            0.286***

Constant            -1.099***

N                   256533   
adj. R-sq                    
Cluster errors         yes   
Country of ori~t       yes   
Region fixed e~t       yes   
Other controls         yes   
p-values in parentheses
+ p<0.10, * p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001
If I'm correct I can say that individuals in Other migrants group have a probability to work which is lower by 0.359. However I'm not sure if this is equavalent to say that other migrant have 36% chance in less to be in work than baseline group. Can you please help me to clear my mind?
Thank you for your attention.