Hi experts and researchers,

I have four models ( dynamic panel models ) :

1- linear model
GDP = β1 FDX + β2 INF + β4 GOV + β5 GFCF + β6 TRD + β7 LBOR

2- model with an interactive term
GDP = β1 FDX + β2 INF + β3 FDX * INF + β4 GOV + β5 GFCF + β6 TRD + β7 LBOR

3- non-linear model :
GDP = β1 FDX + β2 FDX2+ β3 INF + β4 GOV + β5 GFCF + β6 TRD + β7 LBOR

4- non-linear with interactive term
GDP = β1 FDX + β2 FDX2+ β3 INF + β4 FDX * INF + β5 FDX2 * INF + β6 GOV + β7 GFCF + β8 TRD + β9 LBOR

Where GDP is the dependent variable, FDX is the endogenous variable and INF, GOV, GFCF, TRD and LBOR are the exogenous variables and lagged variables are used as the instrumental variables.

What is the Tow Stage Least Square (2SLS) estimation command for each model, please?

Can I use -xtivreg- with the fe option for the first model? if yes, what about the rest of the models ( 2, 3 and 4)

I would be very grateful for any help

Many Thanks
