Dear Statalist Users,

I am using the wonderful installation package asdoc and I am very grateful, that I found it - thank you so much!

I have one little question about the setstars function of asdoc. I looked at the manual and did everything as described, but the setstars function does not seem to work in my case. I want to create the following significance levels: *** for p-value .001, ** for p-value .01 , * for p-value .05 and + for p-value .1. My code is the following:

 asdoc xtreg depvar indepvar time industry, vce(cluster id) save(myfile) fs(8)  drop (industry) add(industry dummies, YES) dec(3) setstars(***@.001, **@.01, *@.05, +@.1)  nest replace
however, the above code, does always result in this:
Standard errors are in parentheses
*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1
I would be very grateful is somebody could help me with this matter! Many thanks in advance!
