Hello everyone!

I have a data set with N=900. All IVs and DVs are ordinal-scaled (4-point assessments of a questionnaire).

I want to determine how the assessment of a set of specific characteristics (IVs) affects the assessment of some general trends (DVs):

Example Variables:
DV: Assessment of the influence of digitalization on the compatibility of private and work life (Ordinal scale, 4 points)
IV1: Assessment of the importance of flexible working hours (Ordinal scale, 4 points)
IV2: ...
IV3: ...

Can I use ordinal logistic regression with the data as is, or is a transformation of the IV variables (dummys/nominal factors) necessary or useful? Different sources report a need for a certain scale level of the independent variable to use ordinal logistic regression.

Hoping that my comments are precise enough and allow for an assessment: Are there other statistical tests or Stata commands other than one-sample non-parametric tests that might be of interest to me?

Thanks so much in advance, any help is highly appreciated.

Best regards,
