I'm trying to rank companies by their profits. This is the kind of result I'm trying to create:
company year avg_profit rank
honda 1970 10 1
honda 1971 10 1
toyota 1970 10 1
toyota 1971 10 1
ford 1970 11 2
ford 1972 11 2
I've tried:
sort avg_profit company 
egen rank = rank(avg_profit), by(company) track
But of course this doesn't work because the by(company) option means that each company is its own 1st rank. If skip the "by(company)" option, then the 2nd rank isn't 2, but whatever row number the next rank occurs (so for example in a large dataset, something like 1020). If I use "unique" rather than "track," then the rank just corresponds to the row number, and "field" doesn't work either.

How do I get the correct ranks so that they are both tied (i.e. multiple companies can rank in 1st position) and grouped by company?

Related posts:
- https://www.statalist.org/forums/for...he-rank-option
- https://www.stata.com/statalist/arch.../msg00581.html

Thank you!