I have a mixed effect model with unequal repeated measures rangr from time 1 to time 20. All subjects have at least two measurements pre-and-post treatment. May outcome is continous and exposure is continous. I have three fixed effect variables and two random effect i.e. subjects and having condition_A at baseline. I have the code

xtset ID time_point

xtmixed oucome c.exposure##i.time_point VAR_1 VAR_2 VAR_3 || ID: || condition_A:
i have TWO questions here:

1) i want percentage change in outcome as an output so for that i took log of the outcome variable and run the regression model with this log variable to obtain a % change in the dependen variable.

g ln_oucome=ln(oucome)
and then

di (exp(coefficient)-1)*100

Am i making sense ?

2) I notice with time interaction i can have effect of exposure on outcome at diffrent time points. I dont know how to get average effect of exposure on change in dependent variable. I have upto 20 time_points and with each time points the percentage change increases. So i am looking for adjusted percentage change like " per unit increasse in exposure associated with NN % (95% CI NN - NN ) change.