I do have a question about how to get the intercept in a mixed logistic modell with average marginal effects. I'm using Stata 15.1.
I have multiple imputed data and do calculate a melogit model. Afterwards i calculate average marginal effects. The comand for the model is the following:
mi estimate , saving(miestfile1, replace) esample(esample) cmdok post : melogit education_entry i.gender hisei_std i.school_absence2 t0wlem_std t0marklang1 requierements i.model_sek1 || aes_canton: //, cluster(class) mimrgns using miestfile1 , esample(esample) predict(pr) dydx(*) post
With a logit model and AMEs one could get the pseudo r-squared with fitstat. But that doesn't work with my command either. Is it possible to calcutalte a pseudo r-squared with a multiple imputated dataset and melogit? Or is it apropriate to take the intercept of the model with melogit and publish it with the results of the mimrgns command?
In the end I've got the mimrgns results in my paper. But at the moment I've got no intercept or pseudo r-squared...
I'm thankful if someone could help me.
Kind regards
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