I am trying to apply below mentioned HOI syntax on education data to check inequality of opportunity in education across different socio-religious categories. while running the syntax I am not getting the desired results. Also same results are showing despite changing independent variables

Am I doing something wrong.

. ssc install hoi
checking hoi consistency and verifying not already installed...
all files already exist and are up to date.

. ssc install indeplist
checking indeplist consistency and verifying not already installed...
all files already exist and are up to date.

. hoi elementary_crnt_atdns ( urban male )

| Type
Variable | Values Std Error LB (95) UB (95)
Coverage (C) | 55.6098 0.1343 55.3467 55.8730
Dissemilarity (D) | 3.2647 0.4987 2.2873 4.2420
Human Opportunity Index (HOI) | 53.7944 0.1503 53.4997 54.0890
Pseudo R2 | 0.0044
Obs Logit | 136,091.0000
Obs | 136,091.0000
Wtg Pop | 136,091.0000
Vulnerable Pop | 52,875.0000
Vulnerable (%) | 38.8527
Obs 1 | 136,091.0000
Obs 2 | 136,091.0000
Loss (%) | 0.0000

. hoi elementary_crnt_atdns ( rural female )

| Type
Variable | Values Std Error LB (95) UB (95)
Coverage (C) | 55.6098 0.1343 55.3467 55.8730
Dissemilarity (D) | 3.2647 0.4987 2.2873 4.2420
Human Opportunity Index (HOI) | 53.7944 0.1503 53.4997 54.0890
Pseudo R2 | 0.0044
Obs Logit | 136,091.0000
Obs | 136,091.0000
Wtg Pop | 136,091.0000
Vulnerable Pop | 52,875.0000
Vulnerable (%) | 38.8527
Obs 1 | 136,091.0000
Obs 2 | 136,091.0000
Loss (%) | 0.0000

. ssc install hoishapley
checking hoishapley consistency and verifying not already installed...
all files already exist and are up to date.

. hoishapley elementary_age_6_13 shapley ( urban male)
variable shapley not found

. hoishapley elementary_age_6_13 shapleyc ( urban male)
variable shapleyc not found

. hoishapley elementary_age_6_13 shapley ( st sc muslim)
variable shapley not found

. hoishapley elementary_age_6_13 shapley ( st sc muslim) shapleyc ( male urban)
variable shapley not found

Thank you
