Hi all,

I am running a regression on the impact of freedom in a country on socioeconomic development during COVID-19 (171 countries).

For this, I have created a socioeconomic development index similar to that of the Human Development Index and a COVID-index.

My variables:
Socioeconoimc Index 2020: Ind_2020_Full
Socioeconomic Index 2019: Ind_2019_Full
Covid Index: ind_cov_stri_nd_2020
Freedom Score: fhi_total

I want to find the change in the socioeconomic index between 2019 and 2020 and I was wondering if I could run two regressions and do a simultaneous equation with the two models?

Note: COVID_Index_2020 is not included in the first regression, is this a problem?

Regression #1: reg Index_Socioeconomic_2019 Freedom_Score
Regression #2: reg Index_Socioeconomic_2020 COVID_Index_2020 Freedom_Score

Attached are the regressions I have ran.