Hi all!

I have country/year panel data. I would like to drop some observations according to specific values of some variables but I would like to do so according to the value for the first year in which I have data for the country.
The problem I am facing is that I have an unbalanced panel so I cannot use a command of the sort:
gen temp=1 if value<x & year==2000
How can I make sure I base my condition on the value for the first year for each country in my dataset.

My dataset is of the following form:
Country Continent Year agprod drought
ABW LAC 1972 13413513 0
ABW LAC 1973 15213523 1
ABW LAC 1974 13513513 1
ADO WEOFF 1972 353413 0
ADO WEOFF 1973 234233 0
Many thanks!