I've run a few regressions and am trying to add rows indicating the presence of fixed effects, control variables etc to the output table. Following some of the earlier posts on this topic, I used the following code:
eststo clear eststo: areg y x c1 c2 ib(first).round,a(id) estadd local household "Yes" estadd local control "Yes" eststo: areg z x c1 c2 ib(first).round,a(id) estadd local household "Yes" estadd local control "Yes" esttab est1 est2 using "filepath\1_xyz.tex", s(N household control , label("N" "Household FE" "Control variables"))se ar2 starlevels(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) /// title(Regression 1)
However, I'm getting the error:
file \1_xyz.tex could not be opened
esttab est1 est2 using "filepath\1_xyz.tex", se ar2 starlevels(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01)
Would appreciate if someone tells me what I'm doing wrong here and how to go about this problem.
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