Dear All

I wanted to ask how we can create a dummy age and date of appointment for 170 people for 20 years (a total of 3300 new cases) . I have 379 people in my dataset and I wanted to know if there is an easier way to create 3300 dummy cases with age assigned as the following for each year starting from 2021 till 2040.

First 5 cases assign age as 22
>5-20 -23
21-50 - 24
101-120- 26

The appointment year should be filled up simultaneously as 2021 for the first 165 cases and then appointment date as 1-1-2021 for the first 165 and then 1-1-2022 for the next and so on till 2040

Please find below a sample or my data set. These are the 739 cases and now I need help to generate the remaining 3300 cases with the above condition.

copy starting from the next line ------- ---------------
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input int app_d float(age_app app_year)
21915 26 .
20089 27 .
22159 24 .
14610 28 .
21915 28 .
18993 27 .
14245 21 .
20820 26 .
21915 24 .
20270 29 .
20820 26 .
20089 24 .
20089 22 .
20820 25 .
20270 30 .
21915 27 .
20820 25 .
22159 29 .
21185 28 .
20089 27 .
20820 24 .
21915 24 .
20089 26 .
21366 26 .
18263 29 .
19724 28 .
20089 25 .
21550 26 .
21915 27 .
20820 26 .
20089 26 .
21550 29 .
21185 24 .
22159 26 .
20089 25 .
21915 24 .
18079 23 .
20636 27 .
20270 31 .
21550 23 .
21185 22 .
21001 26 .
21001 25 .
21001 26 .
21550 29 .
21550 25 .
20820 26 .
20636 25 .
12874 24 .
21185 24 .
19724 25 .
21915 31 .
21001 25 .
20454 27 .
17167 30 .
15706 29 .
17532 27 .
18993 27 .
20089 29 .
19724 28 .
15341 33 .
20636 26 .
16071 30 .
15706 27 .
15706 27 .
17167 27 .
17167 27 .
15706 31 .
15706 28 .
20820 24 .
20820 22 .
21550 24 .
21550 25 .
21001 26 .
21001 25 .
21001 28 .
15157 22 .
15706 26 .
20820 26 .
10227 23 .
18263 26 .
18993 25 .
15706 23 .
17898 25 .
19724 24 .
19724 25 .
18628 26 .
20820 24 .
20820 24 .
20454 23 .
20454 24 .
20089 25 .
19724 26 .
15706 31 .
18628 25 .
17167 30 .
19359 26 .
16802 26 .
21001 25 .
21550 27 .
format %tddd-Mon-YY app_d
Thank you in advance