Hi everyone,
I am testing for the equality of two coefficients, but I am not quite sure which conclusion to draw out of the result, since one coëfficiënt is significant but smaller & the other is insignificant but larger.
More specifically:
test Xnegative = Xpositive
F( 1, 37) = 3.11
Prob > F = 0.0860
Xnegative: coëfficiënt = .197 x10-13 , p = .033 so significant at 5%
Xpositive: coëfficiënt = -.529 x10-13, p = .207
On the one hand, I think that the conclusion should be that X2 is larger because it's the only coëfficiënt significantly different from 0. On the other hand I am not sure if that even matters and I should just look at the size of the coëfficiënt, meaning X3 would be larger (more negative).
It would be great if someone could help me with this.
Thank you in advance!
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