Dear All,

May I please ask for your help with the following problem: I am running meta-regression analyses using robumeta (robust variance estimation meta-analysis package).
In order to control for large effect sizes, I would like to use the leave-one-out method. This means: I always drop one study from the analyses and then compare the average effect sizes of each analysis against each other.
My code generally runs fine.

However, I would really appreciate some help from much more advanced STATA users with the following:
1. Save the coefficients from each meta-analysis as a variable or in a matrix. This will be helpful to plot all coefficients from each meta-analysis and see if there are any outliers that drive the effect,
2. it would be super helpful to know which study was taken out, hence, which drove the effects. Is it possible to display the author or study id somehow?

This is my code:

foreach num of numlist 1/60 {
robumeta cohensd if studyid!=`num', variance(cohensd_var) study(studyid) weighttype(random) rho(0.8)
dis e(QE)

All the best,

PS: This is the overall code but probably not needed to answer my question!
drop if not_ma==1
drop if post_int_categorical==2 | post_int_categorical==3
drop if harshmalspectrum_stricter==0
tab post_int_categorical
foreach num of numlist 1/60 {
dis "These are the main effect analyses for `var'"
robumeta cohensd if studyid!=`num', variance(cohensd_var) study(studyid) weighttype(random) rho(0.8)
dis e(QE)