Hi all,
I am fairly new to Stata and I ran into a problem with my panel data set. My data set consists of multiple countries with each including the same 7 industries over a time period of 2010-2017. My supervisor advised me to use time dummies so I did using the i.Year function. Now my problem, when I run the code [by Country, sort : xtreg BERD FDIinflow GDPPCG Enterprises Turnover Educationlvl ULC Inflation i.Year, fe] I get the note that Stata omits variable i.2015 or other i.Years varying across countries due to collinearity. I don't get why Stata does this and if this affects the validity of my database. If i run xtreg and don't do it by country, so the whole dataset, I get an r² that is almost zero.
Thanks in advance and my apologies if I didn't make things clear or let me know if i should include any attachments!
(Using Stata 16.0)
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