Dear all,

I have run a panel probit model and I want to plot marginal effects for different values of wealth (which has been transformed to logs) at the mean values of other controls. I would want the x-scale to be transformed again to the original values, but this seems pretty difficult to be achieved.

My initial thought was as follows, applying brute force, but this is not working:
1. I want the x-axis to have values (in thousand dollars) of the style 0(20)100 200(100)500 750 1000, say, for 0 to 1M€ wealth.
2. Then, I just need to know the exact values in logs for my target values, and use margins, at command.
3. Then, I can just edit the labels and write the values in the original scale.

This is my code:
xtprobit dep_var log_wealth controls, pa vce(robust)
margins, dydx(log_wealth controls)
margins, at (log_wealth= (0 9.9 10.6 11 11.29 11.51 11.92 12.206 12.612 12.9 13.12 13.53 13.516) mean(controls))
*the vales for log_wealth are the log transformed values of my target values*
marginsplot, noci
This is the outcome:

Of course, I would want the ticks to be evenly spaced (as if I were using the original scale), but those values are not evenly spaced in log scale, and thus, the graph looks terrible.
I also thought in using mylabels command and edit the xscale directly in marginsplot, but this does not seem the correct approach. I believe that the problem should be fixed when I define which values I am evaluating at, this is in the margins, at command rather than in marginsplot.

Does anybody know a potential way to get the original instead of the log scale in the x-axis?

Many thanks in advance,