I'm looking at the effect of coauthorship with a star scientist on the individual's productivity in a panel data from 1996-2017 in event-study framework. The treatment indicator switches to 1 when author coauthor's with a star scientist and it stays 1 since then. The data consist of authors from different subject fields such as Agriculture, Chemistry, Economics, etc. To create a comparable dependent variable, I use field normalized citation as the dependent variable (it is the ratio of total citation received by author i in subject field j in year t to mean number of citations in subject field j in year t), therefore the dependent variable is non-negative and continuous. The dependent variable consists 22-25% of zeros.
In my understanding, in Chapter 18 of "Econometrics of Cross section and Panel Data" Jeff Wooldridge explains that even if the dependent variable is non-negative continuous variable and estimates are robust. Also, I have read articles that have the similar context to my research topic, they also provide statements in favour of Poisson QML fixed-effect model for non-negative continuous dependent variable. However, in their research, the dependent variable is count data.
I find only this paper uses the same research context to mine and uses non-negative continuous dependent variable using the model, "https://ift.tt/3icxZDw".
This is my first research study. I need guidance on the my question :
- Is applying Poisson QML fixed-effect model appropriate for non-negative continuous variable in event-study design? Or should I take add one to dependent variable and take log i.e. ln(1 + dependent variable) and use TWFE.
Does anyone has any suggestion on the above query. Any help is appreciated.
Thank you so much.
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