I tried appending some files using the following codes. Both worked but there are some problems (Code 1 created many duplicates; Code 2- many missing values). I am wondering what could be the problem.
Any help would be appreciated.
PHP Code:
Code 1:
cd "C:\PC\Results"
forval i = 1/88 {
import excel "C:\PC\Results\Results_copy.xlsx", sheet("Week `i'") firstrow clear
save "C:\PC\Results\Results_copy_`i'.dta", replace
sort idnum
append using "C:\PC\Results\Results_copy_`i'.dta", force
save "C:\PC\Results\Results_all'.dta", repalce
rm "C:\PC\Results\Results_copy_`i'.dta"
Code 2:
tempfile building
save `building', emptyok
forval i = 1/88 {
import excel "C:\PC\Results\Results_copy.xlsx", sheet("Week `i'") firstrow clear
gen source = `"`i'"'
display `"Appending `i'"'
append using `building'
save `"`building'"', replace
0 Response to importing and appending loops
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