Dear All, Suppose that I run the following regressions and use (ssc install) outreg2 to save estimated parameters in "test.xml":
sysuse auto, clear

reg price mpg 
outreg2 using "test", excel dec(4) replace
reg price mpg rep78 
outreg2 using "test", excel dec(4) append
reg price mpg rep78 weight 
outreg2 using "test", excel dec(4) append
reg price mpg rep78 weight length 
outreg2 using "test", excel dec(4) append
reg price mpg rep78 weight length foreign
outreg2 using "test", excel dec(4) append
Is it possible to import "test.xml" (say, from B5 to F5 only) into Stata to do further analysis? Thanks.