Hello everyone!

I made a dot graph using the command "graph dot", to show the division of household tasks by gender in a dataset I have collected. Currently I get two graphs side-by-side, but I would like to juxtapose the "dots" so that they're on the same axes instead.

I used the following command:

graph dot sharing, by(female) over(task) ytitle(Sharing of tasks)
where "sharing" is my outcome variable (it indicates who does more of the task in the couple, from 0 doing nothing to 5 doing all of it), "female" is a binary dummy to indicate gender, and "task" is a categorical variable to indicate the type of household task.

I get the following graph:


Is there any way to "combine" the Men and Women graphs, so that I can see the dots for men and women on the same axis, for each task? It would make it much easier to compare e.g. if men and women both think they do most of a particular task!

Thanks in advance for any help or pointers!

Best wishes,