Hello everyone, I hope you are all in good health
Please bear with me, I am not really familiar with Stata since I have only recently started using it. I am working on panel data that contains data for 51 states, from 1995 to 2011. I have done a "log t" test to see whether the 51 countries are converging toward the same steady-state in terms of per capita public health expenditure (PUBLX). However, the result shows the absence of convergence of the full sample, but there are some convergence clubs (I have found 4 clubs: club1 includes 12 states, club2 includes 15 states, club3 includes 20 states and club4 includes 3 states and I found a divergent state).
Now, I would like to plot the transition paths of the full sample and the convergence clubs. To do so, I first need to generate the average values of PUBLX of the full sample (51 states) and those of the states included in each estimated convergence club. And the average values should be generated on yearly basis. And then I should rescale my data on the average of each year.
Could you please assist me with the following questions?
  1. How can I generate the average value of my full sample and the four estimated clubs for each year? (Is there any stata code that allows me to generate these average values?)
  2. How can I rescale my data based on the averages values that I have generated?
Your help will be highly appreciated