Hi everyone. I'm running 3 foreach loops to estimate 3 different models (they share some coefficients, most importantly, "esc"). Each loop runs the regression if "año" (year) is changing. The years are 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015. So, for each model I have an estimate that corresponds to the coefficients for that particular year and model. For example, if I'm running model 1 and the year is 1994, the estimate store would be _est_m1_1994 (m1 for model 1). I'm studying returns to education, so esc means "years of education" (escolarización). Now that i ran the 3 models i wish to plot the 3 models, for all of the years, into one graph. Graphs for an individual model work just fine (although i still havent found a way to connect the dots in the graph). The code im currently working with is:

Model 1:
levelsof año, local(años)
foreach año of local años {
reg lingreso esc experiencia experiencia2 if año == `año'
estimate store m1_`año'
global modelo1 `modelo1' m1_`año' ||
global labels `labels' `año'
coefplot `modelo1', keep(esc) vertical bycoefs bylabels(`labels')
Model 2:
levelsof año, local(años)
foreach año of local años {
    reg lingreso esc experiencia experiencia2 RM mujer emparejado urbano if año == `año'
    estimate store m2_`año'
    local modelo2 `modelo2' m2_`año' ||
    local labels `labels' `año'
coefplot `modelo2', keep(esc) vertical bycoefs bylabels(`labels')
Model 3 (called modelo5)
levelsof año, local(años)
foreach año of local años {
    reg lingreso esc experiencia experiencia2 b1a7 b8 m1a3 m4 u1a4 u5mas  if año == `año'
    estimate store m5_`año'
    local modelo5 `modelo5' m5_`año' ||
    local labels `labels' `año'
coefplot `modelo5', keep(esc) vertical bycoefs bylabels(`labels')
I tried to do the following using coefplot:
coefplot (`modelo1', keep(esc) vertical bycoefs bylabels(`labels')) (`modelo2', keep(esc) vertical bycoefs bylabels(`labels')) (`modelo5', keep(esc) vertical bycoefs bylabels(`labels'))
but it doesn't work.

I think it has to do with the use of locals, but i can't figure it out. Thanks.