I am trying to compute tariff equivalent effects following the approach suggested in An Advanced Guide to Trade Policy Analysis. page 30 of the book. I attach below the code proposed in the book and the error I get when I try the second line of the code:
*** Model for GVC participation asdoc ppmlhdfe gvc_total regulatory_distance contig applied_tariff ln_dist comlang_off comlang_ethno comcol comrelig col45 comleg_pretrans sibling rta if exp!=imp, a(exp_time imp_time) vce(cluster pair_id) replace * Tariff equivalent effects scalar TariffEquivalentRD_1 = (exp(_b[regulatory_distance]/(-_b[applied_tariff])) – 1) * 100 unknown function () r(133);
Does someone know how to fix this issue?
Thanks in advance
0 Response to Error: unknown function ()
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