I'm trying to run a propensity score analysis for a study with 3 treatment groups. I've downloaded the Stata Twang files from RAND and installed them, created a link to R, but when I try to run the mnps command, I get a "command mnps is unrecognized" error. I checked in the ADO folder and there is no mnps.ado file in there, or in the original zip archive containing the files. There is a ps.ado file and I can run the ps analysis for a 2 treatment group design. Apparently, the archive supplied by RAND does not include the mnps ado files, which are necessary to run the multinomial regression to produce the propensity scores for 3 or more treatment groups. Can anyone confirm that this is correct and if so, where I can get the mnps ado files, or tell me what else I might be doing wrong?