Hello everyone,
I have time series data with over 1000 daily observations regarding financial assets. My dependent variable is an asset return (y) and I have 3 variables that represent risk aversion (m, n and o) and I was looking for a way of sort of "stripping" the dependent variable out of the effect of risk aversion in order to use it in other regressions later on.
I have looked at the Fama-MacBeth two step regression because it essentially regresses y on m, n and o to determine how exposed it is to each one in the first step, while in the second step y is regressed on the found factor exposures derived from m, n and o, so that y nowoffers the premium of exposure to m, n and o.
Since I have time series data, attempting to use the - asreg - or - xtfmb - commands gives me an error message of either the need to define xtset or of no observations.
Does anyone know if there's a way of using this for time series data? Or if not, an alternative to strip a variable of others to obtain the "pure effect", so to speak?
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