Dear Statalist, I have to build several graph with the bar label included. However, as you can see below, most of them are so close that it is impossible to disentangle anything (since I will combine some of the graph, I cannot reduce the size of the label). Also, even though I increase the size of "time" same as for "x1" (see code below), it seems that for "time" it is not working.

Is there any way for separate the bar label? and,
How to increase the size for the axis (0-100) and for the time (1, 2, 3)?

Any help will be much appreciated.

graph bar x2 x3, stack over(x1, label(labsize(large))) over(time, label(labsize(vlarge))) asyvar legend(rows(3)) scheme(s2mono) blabel(bar, position(inside) format(%4.2f) size(huge)) ytitle("") ylabel(, angle(horizontal)) legend(label(1 "full") label(2 "not full") size(vlarge) rows(1) region(lcolor(white))) subtitle("subtitle", size(huge)) nofill name(g1, replace)