I have large table of 59 million observations across over 400 variables. These have been split the table into 10 .dta tables, each beginning with the word q10. There is some processing to be done on each of the 10 files, and I have created a .do file to do this. I wanted to write some code so that the processing would be automatic, in that, the .do would read in each of the q10* files, process, save,replace and the read in the next q10* file. I have some code that I thought would work:

local workdir "x:\xxxx\xxxa\xx"
cd: `workdir'
local files: dir "`workdir'" files "q10*.dta"

foreach `files' of local files {

processing script

save `files', replace

However, I get the following error:

invalid syntax

after cd:`workdir' and I am not sure, if this is the best approach as I am fairly new to using loops and have not had to do this amount of processing before. Can anyone help with the approach to take and/or how to amend the above script?